The immortal Pooh 不朽的小熊維尼

find her, keep her--part1--from youtube


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find her, keep her--part 3--from youtube  

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The original Winnie-the-Pooh lives—along with his animal friends Eeyore, Kanga, Piglet and Tigger—in a glass display case at the New York City Public Library. The stuffed toys originally belonged to Christopher Robin Milne, whose father A.A. Milne wrote two of the most popular children’s books of all time: Winnie-the-Pooh and The house at Pooh comer.




In December of 1925 Milne Sr. was struggling to come up with a children’s story for a local newspaper. His wife told him not to worry avout it so much. She advised him to just use one of the bed time stories that he told to Christopher. Most of Milne’s bed time stories were about knights and dragons and magic rings, but this time he decided to write one about his own son and his toy bear.




The pooh stories are set in Ashdown Forest in Sussex, England, where the Milnes had a country home. When Milne was preparing to publish Winnie-the-Pooh, he invited the artist for the book, E. H. Shepard, to come and see the forest and meet Christopher Robin and his toys, so that his drawings would be accurate. The combination of Milne’s stories and Shepard’s artwork would make Winnie-the –Pooh the most famous and beloved teddy bear on earth.




A.A. Milne died in 1956. While most of the books and plays he wrote for adults are no longer in print, Winnie-the-Pooh appears to be immortal. It remains the favorite among children and has been translated into more than two dozen languages.




An animated Walt Disney version of Winnie-the-Pooh appeared in 1966.The movie version widened Pooh’s audience, but Disney found that it was tough to satisfy fans of the original book. In her biography about Milne, Ann Thwaite tells of one small girl who complained about the movie version. “ That’s not true,” said the girl. ”I know what happened. We read it. The book’s true.”




These days, Winnie-the-Pooh is big business. The Disney Corporation owns the licensing rights to Pooh, and in recent years the little bear has surpassed even Mickey Mouse in earning power, generating six billion dollars in retail sales each year. In fact, Pooh means so much to Disney that in order to maintain control of him, the corporation, according to Forbes magazine,” convinced Congress to amend laws governing certain copyrights.”




American politicians aren’t the only ones concerned about Pooh. In 1998, British Parliament member Gwyneth Dunwoody went to se Pooh and his friends in the glass case in New York. She reported to the English press,” I saw them recently and they look very unhappy.” She felt” the Pooh five” belonged back home in England. But the Americans were not about to give up their distinguished guest. They pointed out that Milne had given Pooh and his friends to his American publisher E.P. Dutton had donated them to the library.” Winnie-the-Pooh is an example of the very best in immigration,” said New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. To the delight of New Yorkers and to the relief of Disney, Pooh would stay.




Recommending reason 推薦原因

  i really like winnie as one of my favorite cartoon characters, he's just so cute and adorable. i do like the whole winnie gang too, with piglet, eeyore, and tiger. they are awesome. A few years ago i started my winnie the pooh collections which includes pillows, stickers, picture frames, photo album, notebooks, coloring pens, stamps, figurines, stuff toyand i even have winnie the pooh wallpaper and screensaver to my computer. i think this collecting stuff you like is awesome! What's your favorite cartoon character? Do you have a collection of it?



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